Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Great pics of our time in AZ

These pics are from the 1st to the 8th of October
We just rested, visited with friends,
walked everyday, enjoyed the different
skies and etc..Enjoy!

Joanne and Cari are TT Friends we met in
Kenissee Lakes TT, Jefferson, Ohio
They were here in Verde Valley TT
Went out for Chinese!

Rainbow through the window
of the Chinese restaurant!

Dave wanted to BBQ and had aready started it
when the skies opened up!
No problem~ just stand under the umbrella!
Went for a ride to Bigotti Beach on the golf cart!
The view across on the way down
Could you imagine living on that
mountain? What a View!
Bigotti Beach  this is the bank of
 the Verde River! Ha!
What is under those ledges?
Rattle snakes, ground squirrels?
That is a huge beehive in a cave
 on the way back we saw this!
There is a bird nest there looked like a hawk

Boo hoo! Leaving Thousand Trails for a week at
Camp Verde. This is the Rangers station.

Our view out the front of the motorhome...
We never get tired of the mountains!
Dave down by the Verde River!
on our hike today!
Sharon down by the Verde River~
We are still walking 5 miles plus
a day! yeah us!
This is a view of the mountains
 on the way to  Camp Verde~

We're there!

A view heading down the road
to the campground!

We made it up to the casino
and left with more than we came with!
That makes a good night!
Look at that happy couple!

The sky that night! We do have some
beautiful skies out here!

Another shot of the night time sky!

The clubhouse and pool area!
We have breakfast up there on Saturdays~

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