Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thousand Trails Orlando

Our first stop along the way is TT Orlando in Clemont!
We are here for 10 days awaiting our grandson, Travis' graduation from high school!
(You can click on the picture to see it bigger)

Clubhouse and New Landscaping Around Pool!

This is the man who said he would never wear a hat!
Now does he look retired or what?

This is where we started and ended each day!
We walk 24 minutes at 3.5 miles per hour!
Twice a day!

This is what we do with the rest of our morning!
It is pretty rough but somebody has to do it!
It may as well be us!  tee ~ hee~
Our friends Marge and John came over to
camp with us for a few days.
 They are floating in the pool also~
Thanks for coming over and sending
us off on our fulltime trip all over the
~NOW and LATER ~
Marge took this after I cooked Breakfast!
Bacon,Home Fries w/onions,
Eggs to order,Toast
Tropical Fruit!

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