Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Trip to Visit Family in Upstate New York!

On June 20th we took off from Penn. and headed
to Vestal and Binghamton, N.Y.
We have been so Blessed with awesome weather!

This is the beautiful mountains heading up Intersate 81. In the day, my daddy helped build this road!
This was a terrific campground! It was right in Aunt Adele's
front yard~ She has 32 acres around her and an awesome home
nestled in the hills of Vestal, N.Y.

Aunt Adele wanted to see pictures of the family!
She is my dad's baby sister at 84 years young!
She is sharp, still drives and we surely had a great
 time reminising!

My cousin Lanny and his wife Kathy

Aunt Adele watching Maggie, her dog
while she ran around the yard.

Cousin Jim, said I would never get his picture! He doesn't do pics!
Ha~~ He doesn't know how good I am with a camera....tee...hee..

We also saw cousin Bea part of her family~
 Dottie and Keith came by and I did not get pics, I can't believe it!
Shannon's two boys Javin and Noah were there and they
are great kids too.. Love you all!
Then on the 22nd we went up to Binghamton and saw my Uncle Jim,
He is now 86 years young and that Italian blood keeps him looking young!
I also saw my cousin Mary and her 2 girls, Chrissy and Alicia and
one of Chrissy's friends Elizabeth. My cousin Jim and his wife Debbie.
They cooked us a wonderful Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner!
The family time was great!
The kitchen is always the best place to eat and
share those special family times.

Left to right
Alicia, Elizabeth, Chrissy, Mary

Alicia and Mom, Mary!

Uncle Jim Lisi!
Whow ~ He still looks great
It was so good to see you all again!
Love you all and Thanks for
adding to our memory bank!

Another great family time..
When it gets right down to it
family is what matters the most!

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