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Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Day at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Well on the 10th of October we took a ride up to the Grand Canyon!
You can see it on TV  and in books but it is nothing till you gaze
over the canyon~ It took my breathe and I was so in awe
that I had a tear in my eyes and goosebumps!!
 Imagine that~
This was the sight on the way to the Canyon!
Love those snow covered mountains..
Another site on the way to the Canyon
An air park and museum before you got to the canyon!

Are we there yet?

Yepper, we did zip up those coats and we had layers~
It was cold up there! Never thought I would see Dave
with a fanny pack or man purse! tee...hee....
Our first view at Mather Point behind the visitors center!
Mather Point! It was so breathe taking~
So majestic~ Thank God for this beauty!
This was us with many layers , there was a wind
 coming across the Canyon that day!
Dave looking down as it is a mile deep!
Glad they had the rails!
Just an awesome view again from Mather Point
along the south rim..

We are walking now to Yavapai Point to the west!

Just awesome..How majestic~
and again!
more grandeur!
that is deep!
This is at Yavapai Point and what a view!
and again!
deep view!
No, he is not going to throw me over! lol
He is holding me~ I think this man really loves me!
I know he does!
Then we headed down to Bright Angel Canyon area
In the center that is the Colorado river from the top!
As we walk along the way!
Looking across the canyon!
We saw lots of critters and birds and what a view
behind this little ground squirrel!
Another view of the river...

This was at the Yavapai Point  The saying on the window by
was by Theodore Roosevelt
"Do nothing to mar its grandeur for the ages have been
at work on it and man cannot improve it! Keep it for your
children, your children's children and
all who come after you!"

This is what we looked at while we ate lunch at the
Bright Angel Restaurant..wow, what a view!
This is  as you head down to Hermits Rest Point!
What an awesome day we had!~
Bright Angel Canyon
and again! I just couldn't get enough pictures..
This is only a few, I hope you enjoy the ones
I chose to share!
The Butte across the Canyon!
I love taking pics with close up trees in the
forefront and then the canyon in the back!
Looking down to the right of the green trees there is three
houses down there, where they do research from!
Just awesome!
Closer view of the trees and research
 houses from the Yavapai Point area..
God's awesome beauty of Nature!
And there we are sitting on the rim!
Honey held on tight as my vertigo was
acting up a little in the altitude we were at!
But we made it through the day!
Just an awesome view, we stood and just peacefully
starred across the canyon so many times.
It was beautiful!
There were alot of Ravens showing off for us up
at the lodge and this was just one that got tired
and sat on the limb!
~and what do you think we found up at the Bright
Angel Lodge area? Yes it was awesome ice cream too!
It doesn't matter how cold it is there is always
time for ice cream!
We took the bus back to the Visitors welcome center
as we were pretty bushed after walking for 8 hours.
This is the stables for the mules that actually go down
into the canyon on guided tours..
Just a glance of what desert looks like and some of the
foliage there! They had this at the entrance! or exit!
Depending on what way you are heading~
Another beautiful Arizona sunset on our way home!
Another view of that sunset!
Thank God for all of the beauty that we took in today~
You can see the canyon in pictures but there
is nothing like feeling the breeze in your face 
and seeing it in person with your very own eyes!

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