Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It is getting cold out here!

We were at Camp Verde the beginning of November when
it really strted getting cold. When Dave puts on jeans
you know it is cold!
You can see snow in the mountains...
Gotta keep walkin'  Brrrrrrrrr....
The floor is too cold I am going
to wear daddy's slippers~
and he did this all on his own ~ lol
1st snow in the mountains... in the 20*s in the morning..
Walked 3.4 miles to the highway from
 the campground and back.
What  a great view up top!
Walking down the hill....
just another snowy view...
Beautiful view....
Almost back to the campground..
A panoramic of the area!
What beauty!

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