Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Monday, January 2, 2012

Trip to Sedona~Canyons

On the 26th of November we decided to take another trip up to
Sedona area to see the side we did not see when Diane and Jerry
 were here (my sis and her hubby). It was an awesome
day and you will see by the pictures..

On the road to Sedona...
The Butte
Cathedral Rock
Another view of Cathedral Rock
Just a view of one of the canyons
On the road to the airport this is Sedona looking down across it..
Beautiful colors in the mountains here.
Look at the layers of all different colors it is amazing..
and yet another....
This was in Boynton Canyon Just in awe of the beauty...
Another view of Boynton Canyon
A Panoramic view of the area!
Getting ready to leave the canyon
Driving toward town..can you imagine
 having these views everyday.

We were up by the airport in Sedona
 and they have the best views..
A Panoramic view from the top!
We are in awe of the beauty in this
part of the country!

An afternoon ride to the Verde River on the Golf cart!

The day after Thanksgiving, the sun was shining and we decided to
take a golf cart ride down to Bignotti Beach AKA the Verde River!

Me and my buddy sitting on the bank of the river!
A calm morning on the river!
It is so great traveling and sharing all of our adventures together!
We are truly best friends !
A view from higher up of the river~ all the trees
are cottonwood trees and it is still winter so no leaves..
At the entrance on the BLM land that we rode through to get
to the river this is the view across the valley!

I like drift wood pics too..

Greeted by the cows~ open range here
The park from the top! The burgundy colored
motorhome on the left is our home!

Thanksgiving Day!

We were still at Verde Valley for Thanksgiving and it was certainly different the
 way they did the dinner. It definitely was enjoyed by all. They had sign up sheets
 in the clubhouse for tables of 12 people. The park supplied the turkey, mashed
 potatoes and gravy. It was a pot luck family style.
We have so much to be Thankful for as we continue
to Live our Dream!

Maxine and Carol in the kitchen~
The club house starting to fill...
Ron and Kathryn was our host and hostess of
our table..New friends along the way!
Maxine getting dessert before dinner! Ha!

Kitchen crew! Yeah, what great turkey!

Getting ready to serve..
Have proof that Ron was in the kitchen.
Sssshhh~ don't tell anyone he will deny it!

There Dave and some other folks from our table..

Enjoy the pictures of all the tables and folks....
This is our table again!
There is Sharon at the table..
Yes, I am feeding my face after
helping in the kitchen
That is the staff table, they were working so
came by and ate when they could!
Then there was cleanup!

Thanks everyone for making Thanksgiving away
from our family and ole friends a great day!
and then there was cleanup!

New Sights and Stuff!

Well when it is cold out like it has been here we
continued to walk when it wasn't in the 20*'s and
this gave Sharon the opportunity to do some stuff she
has wanted to but never had the time to get it done..
Retirement is great...

Walking around TT Verde Valley the
Bald Eagles were out sunning themselves..
Their nest is in the rock behind..
Nature is such a beautiful thing..
Sunset across from our camp site!
The sky was always different and some of the
most beautiful clouds..

Made home made bread for my honey..
Brought back lots of memories of
my momma making bread...
Oh, did the house ever smell good~
To bad we can't add scratch and sniff!
I have had these Daisy Kingdom bears and Patterns
for many years..Guess what~I finally took the
time to make them. Yeah!
All three done and for sale!
That is the entrepreneur in me!
Then I learned something new. How to Tat!
That is truly a dying art.. Thank you Jeannie
from over at Camp Verde for sharing her talent
with me. this is my first project!
This was my second tatting project..

This was actually my fourth tatting project~ the third was
a bookmark that I forgot to take a picture of before
sending to my sister in her Christmas card. OOPS!
Then there is my first quilted handbag!
Love the pattern..

Another picture of the bag!
Not bad for the first attempt!

Then I look out the window and see the beauty in the sky and hills! When it is cold outside it is amazing how much you can get done! No, it wasn't all in one day! Amazing that I had all the stuff
for the projects and more to come!