Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Monday, January 2, 2012

An afternoon ride to the Verde River on the Golf cart!

The day after Thanksgiving, the sun was shining and we decided to
take a golf cart ride down to Bignotti Beach AKA the Verde River!

Me and my buddy sitting on the bank of the river!
A calm morning on the river!
It is so great traveling and sharing all of our adventures together!
We are truly best friends !
A view from higher up of the river~ all the trees
are cottonwood trees and it is still winter so no leaves..
At the entrance on the BLM land that we rode through to get
to the river this is the view across the valley!

I like drift wood pics too..

Greeted by the cows~ open range here
The park from the top! The burgundy colored
motorhome on the left is our home!

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