Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chillin in Pahrump ~ Ha! But we are having fun!

Well we are really enjoying the mountains and the lack
of humidity that they have out here..
We even have noticed that our arthritis is not as
painful out here..Amazing!
Most days right now here it reaches 110*
On Monday we loaded in our car with Rick and Mary and
went to Las Vegas to check out the Thousand Trails there as we
will be going there for a week when we leave Pahrump!
It was a good day and had a great lunch buffet at
Sam's Town Casino on Boulder Highway.
We came home in time for a nap and then on to the clubhouse
 for Texas Hold'em!

This was in the center of Sam's Town Casino
This is us in front of the indoor waterfalls!

Rick and Mary by the in door waterfalls!

This was the bar there! Unique!
Driving thru Vegas!
More of Vegas!
Elvis is in the building!
The Luxor!
The view on the way back from Vegas!
More views on the way back!
Look at so many different shapes!

Here it is Tuesday and we have already been
 here a week at the end of today!

We went up into the mountains this time a different way!
We went with Don, Rick, Mary and Lucy!
Went to Carpenter's Canyon and then up to the stream!

Barrell Cactus
On our Tag-a-long  to Carpenter Canyon!
Beautiful View on the way up to Carpenter Canyon
On the way to The top!
This is our fearless leader, Don on his Polaris!
Another terrific view on the way up!
A leg stretching break!
Ready~ Set~ Go!
Made it to here and then we went on the the stream
up the mt. further! It was awesome!

At the cross roads! Just so Majestic!

Another leg stretching break!
Water break for Lucy and us!
Don,Dave,Mary, Rick and Lucy!
From the top!

Rick, Don,Sharon, Mary and Lucy!

Heading to the Stream!

See the water in the road~ and the temperatures dropped
as we climbed higher and higher!

Sharon chillin' by the stream!

Walked upstream a little ways and this is what I found~

Look at the red flower on the left and you will see
a wee little hummingbird...
there were alot of them up here!
Looking at the top from the stream thru the trees.
 It was awesome!
Mary and Rick chillin' up top..
Look how clean our cart is~NOT~

My honey and Me chillin'~
We had lunch up there!
Took Peanut Butter and Jam sandwiches!

Beautiful Mt. Flowers!

On our way back to the valley!
We had to drive over the stream
 in several different places...
Here the stream broke off
 and went two different ways!
This stream is all snow runoff from
Mt. Charleston!

Looking down over the valley!
~Breathe taking~
See the light colored ground in the back?

Well that is a dry lake bed that is about
5 miles in length...

Looking over the valley!

One more of Carpenter Canyon on the way down~

Down to the valley we go.....
This is us in front of the office!
We accomplished this 17 mile trip each way~
Don told us our golf cart was the
first golf cart to attempt it!
He said we don't have a normal cart!
His words exactly were,
"You have a Florida golf cart on Steroids!"
We had an awesome day!
~ Plenty of Adventure ~
and bouncing around too...

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