Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yellowstone Park!

Here it is Saturday, the 30th and we decided to stay in Cody
and take the car into Yellowstone Park. We are so glad we did.
The roads were twisty and turny and the sights were
AMAZING!  Enjoy!
On the way to Yellowstone! There were three tunnels
just before the Buffalo Bill Dam!
Sights along the way!

Beautiful Mountain Streams

The terrain of the mountains was different
 around every curve
More beautiful sites
Look at the snow!
That is how high we were in the park!
and even more..........
and even more.....

Lake Yellowstone....

Another view of Yellowstone Lake
Kepler Cascades
Here we are at the grand majestic event!
We came prepared with our bag chairs and lunch!
The geyser has an approximate 90 minute cycle.
Well, it must have gone off just before we got there~
We really enjoyed sitting and relaxing and watching
other geysers go off.
Then it burped about three or four times and then....
There she goes! It was amazing~

Coming down out of Old Faithful!
Along the way!
We stopped here and walked down to
 see the female Elk and baby Elk!
They surely are beautiful...
More beauty along the way!
Buffalo along the way.. Most of the buffalo
 we saw were pretty far off....except.....
There were two buffalo that kept us from moving for about
five minutes and it took a wrecker going thru to move them...

Little guy, huh?

Just in awe of the grandeur of beauty!
A tall but small waterfall!
More grandeur of beauty.......
Then around another corner is red rock mountains
Beautiful in their own way!

Horse pen along the way!
Coming back to Cody
Another tunnel from Buffalo Bill Dam
Almost home!
~for today~

We really enjoyed being here in Cody met some nice folks while here and
saw so many beautiful sights.. A must do state when traveling.........

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