Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Monday, August 1, 2011

Traveling WY, UT, AZ & NV

We revamped our trip map to take us south out of Cody
thru the entire state of Wyoming.
Great roads and beautiful views...
We made it to Evanston, WY the first night..
July 31st, 2011
These are some of the sights to there!
~Beautiful awesome mountains and open spaces~
More Wy. beauty
We saw so many bicyclists in the mountains and
it was amazing the shape they would
 have to be in to do this!
Just a farm in the middle of no where...

The rain and thaw of snow changes
 the terrain all of the time..

Look at that mountain!
Horses along the way...this picture is for the
grand daughters who love horses!
and we love our grandchildren!
Look at the shape of that mountain and there was
an American Flag on the top!
more beauty in the hills
These two pics are for my firend Alice who loves clouds
as much as I do! The skies were just great!
Another great sky!

This is one of the 6% grades tha we did ....
The truckers call these mts. the "Sisters"
Great Mts. ~ Great Skies
in WY
This was right outside of where we camped in Evanston,WY
Well we took off on Monday morning the 1st to make it to the Camping World in Draper, Utah just south of Salt Lake City. We did the oil change and service on the coach while we were here!

Utah Mts. and Roads were similiar to WY
Utah Mts.
We camped at Camping World on the 1st..
This is the view we had to the back
Pretty Awesome!
Mts. in Draper, UT behind Camping World!
Again the mts. out back!
There we are parked to the right while the sun went down!

Okay here it is the 2nd of August and Tuesday!
We took off this morning and made it to Mesquite, Nevada
We had to stop as it was 107.1*
We will make it to Pahrump, Nevada tomorrow
for a 3 week stay! Yeah..we are ready to stop for awhile!
Enjoy today's trip with the awesome views!

Sorry for the marks on the pics as we had rain last nite and
then bugs smushed on the window!
What awesome sites though!
On the road again!
~Beautiful Mountains!~ Beautiful Clouds and Sky!~
More mountains~more skies~
The Red Cliffs in Utah!
More of the Red Cliffs!
Every curve in the road brought
new mountains and new skies!
Beauty in every mountain!
Some of the grades were 6%
We "LOVE" our Jake Brake!
This was what we drove thru in the upper
western corner of Arizona on I-15
~Sure was amazing~
and more~

Then we came out of the walls of the
mountains once again!

and more.....
Look at the beauty in that view!


We made it to Nevada!


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