Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Day in Chloride, AZ

On Wedneday, September 7th we went over to Chloride to see our
friend Phyllis who we met here in 2008!
Awesome day with her as our guide....

The Mountains on the way there!

We went to Kingman on the way as Sharon had
an appointment at the VA for 6 month blood work!
Cool Place on Rt. 66

Met Phyllis for breakfast at Cracker Barrel
and Sharon at the Laundromat~
They have to drive 25 or so miles once a week
to Kingman for shopping and laundry!

Rode down into Kingman on Historic Rt. 66

On the route there~ love the views and cactus!

Coming into town~ A lot of history here! It was a mining town
in the day~ Still do have some active mines there~
Chloride is a Ghost town and this is
Cyanide Springs which is where all of
the Wild West shows take place...
Prickly Pear Cactus in full bloom with the fruit on it!
Yes, the red part is edible~ No, I did not try it~

Phyllis was trying to get us up into the hills where
the murals are painted..We made it past here
 and had to walk not to far to see them...

Enjoy the murals~ What they mean is whatever you make up!
The artist is a local~ who expands his mind on occasion :-)
This is what he does on his mind expansions trips~

Then it was lunch time.. Here is the only place to eat in town~
Yesterdays~ Had a hamburger and beer...

Who would think that, out in the middle of no where
The restaurant had 180 different bottled beers
to choose from~ and what did I have
a Miller and Dave a Heineken!
Sharon, Dave and Phyllis

She then took us up to the Water tower and this is the
 view of the entire town of Chloride!

On the way to see the Old Cemetery we saw our first
Roadrunner~ Beep..Beep...

This is a neatly built stone building up in the hills
In the day it was  Brothel~

This is the sign at Grasshopper Junction
I-93 and 125(or 62)(or Chloride Rd.)

On the way back home some of the sights~
On the way back in Golden Valley
Dave saw this old truck fab shop! No rust
out here cause it so dry. Stopped by to see~!!

Blast from the Past!

More great Mountains~

This is finger mountain~ Go figure!

and then even more........
We are back home and this is what we
 looked at down the street every day!
What a beautiful sky to say
"Good Night to All!"

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