Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Debut with the "Wild Roses"

On Saturday, September 10th we headed to Chloride to see the
Wild Roses do their show at high noon!
Suprise! I made my debut as Candy Cane such
a sweet young thing!
I came to Chloride on the stage and I was hoping
to find a job so I could catch the stage out of town~
Well~ can you believe the stage coach driver left me there..
I met these gals and started workin'

My debut as Candy Cane!
With the "Wild Roses"
Ths is Boobalottala~Roundabottoma or Fancy for short!
and Candy Cane!
We were at Cyanide Springs Ghost town and in order
Me, Molly and Topsy~turvy!
The lady on the porch asked us if she could
pay us to shoot her husband ~
He was standing right there with her
as she laughed!
That is Fancy and Betty!
There is Candycane introducing her shy self! Ha!
This was the miner who came down from the mine and
she was parched, The gals gave her a cup of lemonade
from Cyanide Spring!
That was their work for the day now thay have  her
loot from the mine and one less gal in town!
Watch out if you come to town BYOB!
Betty, I can't see the important paper she is looking for!
Hanging out by the Dead Ass Saloon
Sure is a hot day!
Topsy found the important paper, now no one will get shot!
Molly is happy now she found the important paper!

I often wondered why I am bothered about not havin' a man in my life.
I got to thinkin' about it, and I realized I have several men I spend time with!
 I am seeing five gentlemen every day. !
~ ~ ~ WOW what a woman ~ ~ ~
As soon as I  wake up  Will~
~Power helps me get out of bed !
 First thing, I go to see John..I visit him many
times during the day and usually a few times at night, too!
After that Charlie comes along, and when he is here
 he takes a lot of my time and attention.
That's Charlie Horse..
When he leaves, Arthur~~Itis shows up and stays the rest of the day.
 He doesn't like to stay in one place very long,
so he goes from joint to joint.
After such a busy day,
I'm really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben~~
Ben Gay that is!
 What a life!
Oh yes, I almost forgot....
I am also flirting with
Al  Zymer.....

Hanging out at the saloon!

Topsy is tired of doing the wash
 and not getting paid!
We pushed her over the edge so she shot
up our laundry!
Still at it....guess that is better than shootin us!
Okay here we are planning the bank robbery!
Should we or should we not take hostages out
of the audience!
Yepper ~we did!

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