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Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Gold Mining town ~ Oatman, Arizona

We went up into the mountains on Sunday
September the 4th! If you look it up on the internet
you can read all about this neat little gold mining town of
Oatman, Arizona...enjoy as we did!

Temperature is 113* at 10:00 in the morning!

On the way to Oatman~

Up the road a little further~

Closer to Oatman

This is Historic Route 66 and that
is what goes right through this town~
Climb and Climb eventually you will get there!
We have arrived~
Park at the North end of town!
We arrived at high noon~just in time to see the
bank robbery and shootout!
Bank Robber dropped his gold~
Let it begin~

A bank robber, robber~ Robbing the bank robber~
that's what they said~

They both shot at the same time~
Easier for the Sheriff~

There I am and do you know that burro came right up
behind me and nudged me wit his nose! I thought it was
Dave pushing on me~ We laughed at that one~
Dave patting the burro and saying
"Good Job buddie"  lol
The burros even walked in
and out of some of the business~

This is the general merchantile~

Which direction do we go from here~ duh~

One of the business'~

~~Speaks for itself~~

Great T-shirt~
Tells the story
Another one of the business there

Sign on the porch~

Clark Gable and his wife Carol spent a night of
their honeymoon in this hotel~

All of the baby burros had stickers
on their forheads that said STOP
Please don't feed me..
The reason being they choke
easily when they are young!

"Let's taste this leather and make sure it is genuine!"

Another sign~

Behind the parking area~

Another businee~ Unique names~Huh?

Other side of the parking area!

Heading back down the mountain to home~
We called it a day~

after a short nap we were off to theBeach Boy's Concert!
Catch a Wave ~~~not out here.........

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