Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Custer State Park and Mt. Rushmore

On Saturday the 23rd we went to Custer State Park
and Drove the wildlife loop and then the Needles Hwy.
then we ended up at Mt. Rushmore.
Wow what an awesome time we had with our friends
 Ron and Nancy from Florida!

Ron and Nancy put on an awesome T-bone
 lunch for us! Great food and great company!
Nebraska Beef ~  ~ Yum!
Sitting around catching up and talking about
the ride we are fixin' to take to the Parks!
Just inside of Custer state Park coming on at Rt. 36
there were two herds of buffalo on both sides
of the road! ~Free Roam~

More Buffalo in the wild!
Even more buffalo in the wild!
A View of the mountain rocks we drove by!
Just awesome views!
More than we ever imagined!
A Pronghorn Antelope along the way!
This tells how they corral a certain amount of buffalo
a year to sell at auction or they would have an
over population of buffalo there!
These are the corrals where this happens!
Then we came up on some donkey's and burro's!
We weren't sure if we would make
it by then unscathed!
And more!
They were friendlier than we thought!
~ Free roaming ~

Dave had to check it out also!
Neither of us got kicked!
Ron and Nancy watched
from the car!

But then you had to dodge the Donkey Poop!
This is their land !

There is a family of Pronghorn Antelope
 ~ Free Roaming ~
Then we made it to Prairie Town!
these prairie dogs are so humorous to
watch. First the lookout comes out
to see if it is safe to come out of
the community and play!
Here is the lookout!
Too Funny!

Lake Sylvan up in the mountains
Beautiful clear Blue water!

Now we are on the Needles Parkway and there is NO WAY
we could have brought the motor home up here!
Look how small that tunnel is! There was three of
them on our route through!
Stopped at a mountain  port~o~let and this creek was
 nearby. How peaceful a resting place!
The mountain port~o~lets are like a small building
 with a commode that sits over a hole!
Fancy way of saying  "Outhouse"

My favorite flower and it grows wild all over!

Coming up to the Cathedral spires along
the Needles Highway!

Sites alongside of the road!

More sights along the way!
Then another tunnel even narrower!

The Eye of the Needle!
Another Lake up in the mountains!
Just beautiful!
And last but not least the third tunnel we went through!
We made it to Mt. Rushmore!
Yeah ~ what a ride!

Avenue of the Flags ~ Every state flag
lines this walk!

A little cool up this high in the mountains at night
Dave, Sharon, Ron and Nancy!
We had such an awesome day!

We ate in the Cafe here at Mt. Rushmore..
Sharon was the adventurous one and she ate a buffalo burger!
It was really good tasting just a bit dry though!
Had to try something new!

Here they are~
This was so impressive!
We've seen pictures but not like seeing
it in person~ we were in awe!
Then after dark they lite it up!
even more awesome!
This is a bronze bust of the sculptor

He had a dream and then a design
then a mountain!

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