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Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Hometown Independence Day Parade

Speculator had a Parade on July 2nd 2011
It was simply amazing how many people came out for this event!
They estimated there was 8-10k people there!
Some would think of it as Corny~ as for ourselves
~It was Awesome~
for five hours earlier that day we went to the
Moffit's Beach Marina and launched Ed's boat!
What an awesome day it was...

This is a pre launch photo!
Both of these are Ed's Toys...
His Honda Truck and His Pontoon Boat!
What more can you ask for!

Ed Enjoying Life!

Look who's driving. Actually, Ed is the only one with a
fishing license so I drove part of the time! Enjoyed it to no end!
Caught a chub and three pickerel, threw them back!
Pickerel are too boney and the chub wouldn't have
fed us all! :-)
Dave laid down for a nap and almost an hour later woke up!
Boating is such a rough day~ but someone has to do it!

Enjoying the peacefulness of the day!
What a fantastic day on the Lake!
Can you get use to a view like this everyday!
We sure can....
Have you taken the time to listen to a loon?
You only have a split second to get a
picture before they dive and who
knows where they come up!
Just Awesome!
Boating day is done..Ed checking to make sure
she is all strapped down!
Relaxing and we had a surprise visit from
Dave and Margaret Good
and son Glenn
Glad you all stopped by!

Group picture for the day!
Glenn,Sharon, Margaret and Dave!

* * * * * Happy 4th of July! * * * * *
Now on to the Parade!

~Ed & Dave enjoying the parade~

The start of the parade!

* * * * * * VFW * * * * * *

VFW and an old Willy's Jeep

Great Musicians!
See they even have guys who like wearing skirts :-)
Kilts, excuse me...
How would you like to have a boat like this?
Hometown Volunteer Fire Dept.
How about this oldie!
Look at that RTV It has snowmobile treads!

This one is for you Ed!
They wanted to know why he was sitting
 on the side watching the parade
instead of driving a truck!
This is Lake Pleasant Fire Dept!

The ice cream shop that was right across the road and
we ate sundaes while watching the parade!
Lake Licks!
They even pulled the snow plows out for the parade!

This is the float that Sandy & Shirley and the
grandkids built. It was for the Twigs Treasures!
They have a house full of donated stuff and they
do donations for items and it is for scholarsships and etc...
A great business and it is all volunteer!

That is the way it is in small towns and villages!

Whow look at those ladies!
The Red Hats are everywhere!
Look at the beautiful horse and wagon!

I won't bore you with more pics from the
parade,but it had 55 entries and there were thousands
of people there! It was Awesome!

Ed knew where to park so we could exit easily
We were close to the four corners at Brooks Street.
On the way out of town I got a shot of the
Methodist Church we grew up in!

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