Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our day with New friends~ Dan, Mary and Gavin! :-)

The day after Rushmore we rested!
We had met some really neat folks on
face book and have been corresponding with them
over the past two years~ Well, they live in Rapid
City , S.D. and they told us to let them
know if we ever make it to south Dakota!
We did let them know and
 today they came to visit us at Hart Ranch!

It was so awesome! Thanks for helping us make new
friends and memories along the way!Now how many people
say they will look you up and never do!
Not us! We love meeting great folks!

Dan, Mary, Dave and Sharon

inside of the motor home!
Let's not forget Gavin, he took
the picture!

Here 's to you Dan, Mary and Gavin!
All great people to meet!
If we would live in South Dakota we would
want y'all for neighbors!

There we all are sitting outside getting to know
each other! Had a great visit!
They brought us a bottle of
Sturgis Black Hills Merlot Wine
with the instructions to drink it in the heart of winter
while we are sitting somewhere warm and think of
them freezing their butts off in South Dakota!
So we decided on New Years Eve and we have to
post the picture of us drinking it!

Dave, Dan, Gavin and Mary

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