Our New Home~Our New Address

Our New Home~Our New Address
Somewhere in the USA

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pioneer Auto Museum in Murado, S.D.

Well, from Mitchell we continued west and the next stop was at
a rest area for Chamberlain and it was a Lewis and Clark
Museum and overlooked the Missouri River..
Check it out!
Who is that handsome couple?
Oh! It is Dave and I~ The Missouri behind us!
Lewis and Clark Bicentennial
Railroad across the Mighty Missouri River
Dave on the trail out to where you can see the river better!
Tee pee in the Museum
at the rest area!
Explorations of Lewis and Clark!
Can you imagine cooking like this all of the time?
A Panoramic View from the second floor of the museum!
Just Awesome!

Then we were on the road to Murdo, S.D
We stopped at the Pioneer Auto Museum and
Prairie Town~ It was H~O~T~
106* so we stayed in a campground
right next door for the night!

Hats were the head attire for the day at 106*
Look at the old cars~ These outside
ones were for sale!
The beginning tour guide and then
 it was self guided from here!
Look at the smirk on his face when he
 snuggled up to Daisy Duke :-)
Dream on~
Speaks for itself!
Awesome ! Solid Wood car~
This is when cars had a definite
personality and each one
~Think back~
Look how skinny we are! tee hee....
Car Models of the past!
Green Depression Glass
Diane, Don't you have a full set of this stuff?
Luv ya!
Imagine dressing like this.....Ouch!

Definitely would ride in a Shelby!
Character with these cars!
1926 Harley Davidson!
This one is for all of those Harley riders....
This one is for Micky and Michael
~Go John Deere~
This one is for Ronnie
~Go Farmall~
This is a Motor home!
I can not imagine traveling cross
country in this one!
Thank God for Technology!

Look at the size of that tractor! Wow~

Dave said he had enough of the heat!  tee...hee...
It was time to go!
Get on the train out of here!

Hopefully it will be cooler for tomorrow at the 1880 town and Wall Drug!
Had an awesome day with my honey!

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